One of the requirements of our diplomatic work is being able to communicate in foreign languages. I personally see the opportunity to learn and practice new languages as one of the biggest perks of a Foreign Service job. To determine our language abilities, we're tested by examiners at the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) using the Inter-Agency Language Roundtable (ILR) scoring system. The scale goes from 0 (no proficiency) to 5 (native or bilingual fluency), but the Department of State recently stopped scoring people that high and just said everyone who scores at least a 4 (full professional proficiency) will be given a special designation of Advanced Proficiency, or AP.
Most Foreign Service jobs that require a language require a 3 (professional working proficiency), though some (like the Consular job I did in Seoul) only require a 2 (limited working proficiency). Most language scores expire every five years, so we often retest even in languages where we previously achieved proficiency. Passing the language test can really help when it comes to bidding (i.e., applying for the next assignment) or help you get a pay bonus if you're serving at a post where that language is used (depending on the language - usually this is just for "critical languages" that are high priority but difficult for most English speakers to learn).
When I joined the Foreign Service in 2017, I tested in Arabic and received a score of 2/2 - the first part of the score is for speaking and the second is for reading. I remember feeling disappointed given my many years of studying Arabic in my undergraduate and graduate programs as well as countless night classes, online classes, and studying abroad in Oman, but I didn't think too much of it especially after I was assigned to Nairobi and then Seoul for my first few tours. After that, I finally made my way to working on the Middle East, where I knew I wanted to refresh my language score after it expired.
At first, I only wanted to renew my score of 2/2. However, when I tested last year I was surprised to get a 2+/3. (One thing to know about the ILR scale is that a score of "X+" is much closer to the next level than it is to X. The way someone once explained it to me is that the evaluators almost wanted to give you the next level score but you didn't maintain that level consistently enough, so they downgraded you to the level below with a plus instead.) Once I was that close, I decided to retest and recently received my 3! (Unfortunately for people like me who did well in reading, the Department of State recently decided to focus only on speaking for testing purposes so now we just have a single-number score instead of two.)
For those who are preparing for their own FSI language tests, I thought I'd condense some of the best advice and things that helped me in case it's useful for others. Here are my best tips for language test prep on your own (i.e., when you're not in full-time language training) that don't violate any non-disclosure agreements, in no particular order:
- Meticulously review the FSI language testing SharePoint page including all FAQs and sample materials. The test format has changed quite a bit in recent years and the internal SharePoint is your best source for the latest and most accurate information on the format and content.
- Always take advantage of distance language learning (DLL) and the post language program (PLP), even if your post or your job don't require the language. We're very lucky to have access to free foreign language classes all over the world, and I found these essential for maintaining and improving my language skills.
- I included this in a previous post on maintaining language skills generally, but know language-specific filler words (i.e., the other language's equivalent of "um") and essential clarifying vocabulary (like "Could you please repeat that more slowly?" or "What does that mean?") in that language to reduce the amount of time your brain switches to English or your native language while you're trying to speak the target language.
- My advice from a previous FSI test to be bold and to practice your self-introduction still applies, but now they've shifted the test from a personal introduction to a professional one. Be prepared to talk about your current work and past work right off the bat in the test.
- Keep a few proverbs and idiomatic expressions in your back pocket, but make sure you know how to use them correctly. A well-placed proverb can really demonstrate you have a nuanced and advanced command of the language.
- Especially now that the test is focused only on speaking, make sure you get real conversational practice beforehand. It's not enough (in my opinion) to listen to podcasts and read the news, but you need to practice speaking whether that's in a classroom or with a family member or friend. (In my case, I started speaking Arabic with S Monday through Friday to help him keep up with his Arabic, and it's paid huge dividends for improving my comfort with conversation.)
- For Arabic, pick the dialect you're most comfortable with - not the one you think will be the most practical for a specific post. In my case, I picked Modern Standard Arabic because I had always learned Arabic formally in school and that's what I'm most comfortable speaking. With my lack of knowledge now, I definitely wouldn't be able to perform on test day in any dialect!
- Explore the best language learning apps for you. To prepare for my FSI test, I used a combination of Anki (flashcard app), Duolingo (gamified language learning), Drops (vocabulary-focused app with lots of inclusive langauge), and Lingolette (AI short articles with audio, questions, and freeform answers to check comprehension and then a conversation with real-time correction afterward). At other times in my life, I preferred italki (private certified virtual tutors, who really helped with my accent and some advanced grammar questions I had) and Mango Languages (which helped me refresh my language skills after a long period of disuse). On the other hand, I tried Rosetta Stone many years ago and quickly learned it was not my cup of tea. After my test, I discovered that Google's Gemini Voice Assistant speaks Arabic quite well and understands many dialects (though it always answers in Modern Standard Arabic). Knowing that, I think I would try using that tool more for future conversational practice and test prep. Figuring out the right apps (if any) for you will take some trial and error.
- Use every opportunity to practice the language with native speakers, and accept the inevitability of mistakes. It's normal! Most people will be so thrilled you're learning their language, they will forgive any errors you make. Meeting people from around the world, traveling, and volunteering could all be opportunities to practice your language skills.
It's much harder to achieve score improvements without full-time language training, but it's not impossible. I hope my list of tips comes in handy for at least some readers preparing for their next FSI test!